Monthly Update - April 2021

We hope everyone has been enjoying the gorgeous weather this past month! We’ve had a busy month in-shop at BC Tech, reorganizing and preparing for the arrival of our new interns. We got all new flooring in the workshop and reorganized all of our work stations. Spring cleaning at its finest!

Our April started out with a screech this year when we released our April Fools contribution: a mocumentary called “The Sounds of BC Tech.” Did you miss it? It’s on our YouTube Channel or available below! Subscribe while you're there, we have more great content coming soon.

While our staff have been working hard rearranging our workshop space so that we can best serve the needs of our clients, they’ve also been filling regular orders. We’ve said it before, but we’ll say it again. They’re rockstars!

As always, thank you to our incredible donors for continuing to give us the means to do what we do. We’d like to highlight the generous contributions from Sage Software, Columbia Interior Investment, and the City of Burnaby this past month. Thank you!

We’re still highly in need of donations, especially laptops, so that we can keep supporting schools, individuals and communities. If your organization plans on upgrading your tech soon consider donating your old equipment. It’s safe and easy! Read more about how to donate and the steps we take to ensure your data is protected by visiting our website.

Your donations matter.

Until next time, stay healthy, and stay safe.


Monthly Update - May 2021


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